Whether you are playing Skyrim on Xbox One, PS4 or Windows computer, these best Skyrim mods for 2021 can certainly tweak even the tiniest detail. You can choose to add a new mod based on difficulty level, feel the game in darker style or add anything for infinite customizable features using top Skyrim mods. Mods Compatible with Skyrim SE and Skyrim VR. PC SSE - Request. I want to link my saves between SE and VR. This is a major source of bugs, as the menus don't expect the game to be unpaused, and race conditions can occur between threads - causing CTDs and other issues. Teen Monli Race for SE A mysterious race only known for their small size, youthful appearance, and amazingly fast reflexes. This is an updated and redone version of the one done by PsychoMachina. Many thanks to PsychoMachina for allowing us to redo and add some features to the race. (Some text is from his original post since it is still the same. Take this mod down cuz it's an insult to a more modded skyrim. Ah yes, a werewolf mod cannot touch the werewolf scripts because a race mod forces RaceCompatibility down your throat and RaceCompatibility in turn force replaces your werewolf scripts with those of Moonlight Tales. This mod merges the Dawnguard scripts with the Race Compatibility scripts. The RaceCompatibility.esm file included in this package also fixes the missing WoodElf (Bosmer) race entry in the file and adds an optional compatibility script for the Unofficial Skyrim patch.
- Xb1 Race Compatibility Skyrim Special Edition
- Race Compatibility Mod Skyrim Season
- Skyrim Special Edition Race Mod
- Skyrim Race Compatibility Mod 3241963
- Race Compatibility Mod Skyrim Seeds
- Race Compatibility Mod Skyrim Servers
Troubleshooting > Compatibility
Note: Only Skyrim patch version and above is supported!
As is the way with modding, if two mods alter the same thing/area, there will be a mod conflict. The result can be something small, like one mod's item prices show but not the other's, or the conflict could be huge, like two mods that alter a game skill tree; only one of the changes will show in the game. I have tried to keep a record of notable issues that come up when using Hunting in Skyrim along with other mods.
Below you'll find that information split into sections as follows: - Mod Features attempts to inform you of things my mod does that could affect other mods in general.
- General Mods gives a list of notable issues with specific mods.
- Animal / Wildlife Changing Mods is a specific list of mods that alter animals in notable ways.
- Notes discussing certain results from creature mods.
If you don't see a mod here listed it's likely because I don't know of any issues that could come up. So rather than ask me (and get an 'I don't know' answer) test it yourself and let me know the outcome. If you find an incompatibility please let me know so I can write it here.
Mod Features Various features in this mod may cause problems with mods that do similar things. Below you'll find some advice on these.
Skinning & Carcass system should be compatible with mods that alter animal loot, as you gain animal loot when you skin your carcass. Mods such as Real Wildlife Skyrim that add extra animal loot, these will be received when a carcass is skinned. Pelts/Hides/Leather Prices All versions of Hunting in Skyrim will conflict with any mods that alter the stats of Pelts, Hides, Leather and Leather Strips. Not hard, more of a soft conflict. Pelts/Hides/Leather have had their stats like prices altered by my mod. Due to the way that mod load order works, if you have a mod that changes the stats of an animal pelt for example, if that mod loads further down the list than Hunting in Skyrim, then that mod's changes will take priority. Most of the time no problem will arise, it'll just be the prices my mod changes won't take affect.
Levelled Lists (applies to version 1.3.6 and above)
Due to edits to certain Levelled Actors you need to create a Bashed Patch using Wrye Bash so that mods that also edit the same objects will have these references merged together.
Skinning systems will likely conflict with other similar skinning system mods. You have a power in game (cast with your shout key) to turn the skinning system on and off. Known mods that will conflict are Hunterborn. See below for details. Mods that add new animals to the game may not work with my stat tracking, kill tracking, or skinning systems, depending on the attributes (such as Race) the animal has. I am currently working on a list of conditions that must be met for animals to work with my systems. This can then be used by other modders to ensure their creatures work with Hunting in Skyrim. Stat Tracking / Kill Tracking Mod Added Animals Mods that add new animals to the game may not work with my stat tracking, kill tracking, or skinning systems, depending on the attributes (such as Race) the animal has. I am currently working on a list of conditions that must be met for animals to work with my systems. This can then be used by other modders to ensure their creatures work with Hunting in Skyrim.
The normal version of this mod will conflict with any mods that alter the Archery and Light Armour skill trees. A No Perks version is available to counter this. No perk tree version should be fully compatible with any mod that alters perks and skill trees. Although in the No Perks version (if you use SKSE) you can unlock perks, this does not interfere with the skill trees. Generally if you use a mod that changes the above perk trees, use the No Perks version. For example if you use Asis, Ace, Frostfall or Skyre.
General Mods Any known/specific compatibility details are listed below. General comments are listed at the bottom.
If you use Ebonvale you must load that mod after mine in your load order. A compatibility patch is in the works to fix the floating land that these mods create together.
Compatible with all official DLC - Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn.
If you use Open Cities Skyrim, then Hunting in Skyrim.esp must be loaded before Open Cities Skyrim in your load order. BOSS will sort this automatically.
I don't know much about this, but if you have any issues creating a patch for this and Hunting in Skyrim, add my mod to the exceptions list.
Generally any mod that changes Whiterun should be loaded after my mod in your load order. Each mod may be different though, so just test which works best for your setup.
Unique Unique - Artifact Enchantment OverhaulsThis mod has a story manager event quest node for Kill Actor that doesn't have the 'shares event' box ticked, causing it to stop my kill tracking and skinning systems from working. I have contacted the author and if it gets changed will alter this info.
Animal & Wildlife Changing Mods
If you use Hunterborn, make sure you play with my skinning system turned off (when it becomes available). Quest issues as follows: During the quest It All Starts With a Wolf, ensure you choose Manual Loot when activating the goat. During the skinning tutorial quest There's More Than One Way to Skin a... ensure you choose Manual Loot when activating the Deer.
Compatible. Generally any creature 'variations' such as Wolves and Bears should work with my systems, as most have the vanilla race and/or voice types. Skyrim Immersive Creatures Certain animals and creatures in this mod may not be 'seen' by my stat tracking, kill tracking, or skinning systems. Generally any creature 'variations' such as Wolves and Bears should work with my systems, as most have the vanilla race and/or voice types. See notes below. I am currently working on a list of conditions that must be met for animals to work with my systems. This can then be used by other modders to ensure their creatures work with Hunting in Skyrim. Skyrim Monster Mod Certain animals and creatures in this mod may not be 'seen' by my stat tracking, kill tracking, or skinning systems. Generally any creature 'variations' such as Wolves and Bears should work with my systems, as most have the vanilla race and/or voice types. Some animals such as Scamps will be skinned and/or stat tracked by their given race, which for a Scamp is a Falmer. See notes below. I am currently working on a list of conditions that must be met for animals to work with my systems. This can then be used by other modders to ensure their creatures work with Hunting in Skyrim.
Should be fully compatible, except some animals such as Rats will be skinned and/or stat tracked by their given race, which for a Rat is a Skeever. Generally any creature 'variations' such as Wolves and Bears should work with my systems, as most have the vanilla race and/or voice types. See notes below. I am currently working on a list of conditions that must be met for animals to work with my systems. This can then be used by other modders to ensure their creatures work with Hunting in Skyrim.
As new animals and creatures added by mods (by new I mean completely new, not a copy of existing animals likes Wolves) sometimes use existing vanilla Skyrim data like race and voice type, they may be skinned and/or stat tracked as their vanilla counterparts. This is because my mod uses that data to distinguish which animals are which. In the above example used for Skyrim Monster Mod, it adds a new creature called a Scamp (as featured in previous Elder Scrolls games). This Scamp, although completely new, uses both the Falmerrace and Falmervoice type. As such my mod systems will see it as a Falmer creature. Although this is not an issue for stat tracking as such (because that won't interfere with the creature), as I only track the stats for existing animal types in the Log Book anyway, this could be an issue for animals that can be skinned. For animals that use existing data that can be skinned, that animal will be skinned like it's vanilla counterpart. For the Realistic Skinning system this is not an issue in terms of what you get off that animal as its inventory is simply transferred to the player. Except if the player has the Clean Skinning ability, which means the second pelt they receive is governed by relevant race and voice type. This can however be an issue for the Carcass Skinning system. You won't get an insert-unique-creature-name-here carcass obviously, but whichever carcass is given by its race and/or voice type. Details on the specific requirements for animal recognition can be found on the Compatibility for Mod Authors page here.
Main Page - Mod Master List - The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim - Races
The underlying philosophy behind the development of the project is two fold; firstly, to create a conflict free framework that addresses the technical issues and requirements of a child race mod. Secondly, to implement such a mod while emphasizing immersion and compatibility. We've gone to great lengths ensure inter-compatibility and a minimal footprint for the project. As it stands, the mod should not conflict with anything; in fact it is completely isolated from the vanilla formlists(this does cause a minor issue with hair/eye mods, which is discussed in more detail later). We've made sure everything is done cleanly and correctly, scaling for instance is handled via the race/actor scale values rather than on the skeleton, as one example of many.
Project features as it stands now:
Skykids Race
Xb1 Race Compatibility Skyrim Special Edition
Race mod. Has optional add-ons for Drow and Monli races and changing NPCs. Designed to be compatible with pretty much any other child or armor mod. By en_hawk. READ THE ENTIRE FIRST POST BEFORE INSTALLING! Seriously. Do it.
SK Nude Patch for Current Release
Not Available at LL.
SK Nude Patch-Old Patch
Includes files for both Drow and Monli. Not available at LL.
[DISCLAIMER]: This is the old patch for the version of SkyKids that used the now decrepit SkyProc armor swapper patcher. It is added for completion sake ONLY, and cannot be used with the current version. It is HIGHLY recommended that you update to the latest version of SkyKids in any case!
SK Alternate Male Body (non SOS)-Old Patch
An alternate male body for Sky Kids with a nude option.
Skykids Patches
A number of compatibility patches for Skykids, as well as plugins for hostile children.
CotS R2 Race Module for Skykids
Implements the old CotS race using SkyKids framework (same visuals, less bugs).
Draenei Race Module for Skykids
Adds race module based on the Draenei race from the Warcraft universe. Includes custom assets for horns, face tentacles, etc. as well as armor swapper support. By Ulithium_Dragon.
Scalegirl Race Module for Skykids
Reptilian/humanoid hybrid Loli race. Previously known as 'Rorireptilian'. By zixaphir
Faye Race + Follower
New race module for SkyKids - see thread for more info. By zixaphir
Devious Devices Stuff for Skykids
Adds restrictive boots (Devious Devices Expansion) and gloves (Devious Devices Assets) meshes. Comes with the nipple and vaginal piercings that were in the 'SK Devious Devices Assets Patch'. For the new Skykids version. By Boltar69.
Devious Devices For Skykids
Replaces all the items from Devious Devices and the expansion to fit Skykids.
Loli New Thieves Guild Members

Turns the characters in 'New Thieves Guild Members' to lolis (SkyKids).
(New) Pregnant Loli Body
Alternate female loli body with pregnancy-enabled belly scaling. Bodies included for both SkyKids and RCotS.
UUNP Lolibody for SkyKids (With PSB and HDT Pussy)
For the Vanilla, Drow and SKCotS races. See thread for details.
Underground Bathhouse - Skykids Edition
Underground Bathhouse Shota Boys patch for SkyKids
RCOTS Clothing and Armor packaged for Skykids
Makes Glouf's armor conversions work with the SkyKids armor swapper.
This is set up for the New Skykids and the Alternative Boy Body, there is an optional version for the old version of Skykids.
AradiaLivingArmour - Jellyfish Edition for Skykids
Nornal version: https://mega.nz/#!nF9F2SrL!83uXPjEan17CxB47o33KfYx-qhm6TxugsLne84IdSMg
HDT-Pussy version: https://mega.nz/#!CAskzIwS!n_inn211nbSuVTGqwtYYvvbQCaRpdFgqY3IAjMiHtQU
'Jellyfish' armor conversion. Requires the original mod. By Boltar69.
Merta Assassin Armor for Skykids
Check this thread for more details. Requires the original mod.
Daedric female armor replacer for Skykids
Children+SoulGemsSkykids 1.5 child patch
Original mod: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/33442-children-soul-gems-hentrai-pregnancy-addon-updated-8102014
Race Compatibility Mod Skyrim Season
Skykids armor conversions by pieeater
Shota Trap Race
Adds a new shota trap race with custom assets (i.e. a new SoS penis). By zixaphir.
Skykids Child NPC Replacer Faces
By progressor1322.
Female Facial Animations for Skykids
Addds higher quality facial animations for the SkyKids races. By zixaphir.
SkyKids Armor Swapper - Missing Armors Pack

Adds some armor conversions that were never included with the base SkyKids mod, so children don't get boobs anymore. By Ulithium_Dragon
Skykids HDT Vagina and Bellyscaling For Armors
Adds belly scaling and a HDT vagina, Reshapes everything for a more childlike look, and removes boobs from all obtainable outfits for Skyrim and its DLC.
Skykids-Shaydows VampireLord Replacer
Skykids - All in One with Add-Ons (Including Extra Options)
Skyrim Special Edition Race Mod
A complete set of all the mods in a single mod that are found in the Shota/Loli Guide and Resources for SkyKids. Choose any extra needed, including the option of nude patches.
SkyKids Body Assets
Primarily modder's resource, but also contains teen body meshes and textures.
Skyrim Race Compatibility Mod 3241963
Beast Race Universal Textures - Skykid edition
Race Compatibility Mod Skyrim Seeds
Edits textures of argonian/khajiit adult and skykid version for BOTH genders. Also edits fennec/Lykaios adult version and gives a hentai vampire lord a schlong.
Race Compatibility Mod Skyrim Servers
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